Using our production environment you can access Live and Sandbox connectors. For testing purposes, you can experiment with your integration using our Sandbox connector (which represents our Sandbox environment). This will let you see how the transactions update daily and test all the possible valid connections and erroneous flows.

You will find different flows:
1- Basic flow (we also include special Caixa flow)
2- Basic flow Business
3- MFA 1-step
4- MFA 2-step
5- Joint accounts (Bradesco Conta Conjunta flow)
6- QR Login flow

For a successful flow, the credentials are:

  • Correct password: password-ok
  • Correct MFA Token: 123456

1- Basic flows



The basic flow also works for Business connectors.

Execution statusUser nameDescription
SUCCESSuser-okSuccessful connection.
ALREADY_LOGGED_INuser-loggedThe user already has an opened login session (needs to manually log out).
ACCOUNT_LOCKEDuser-lockedUser account is locked, needs manual action to be unlocked.
UNEXPECTED_ERRORuser-errorConnector had a random error.
SITE_NOT_AVAILABLEuser-unavailableProvider site was not available.
ACCOUNT_NEEDS_ACTIONuser-account-need-actionsProvider is requesting some manual action from the user (ie. accept new terms of use).
ACCOUNT_NEEDS_ACTION + providerMessageuser-account-need-actions-provider-messageProvider is requesting some manual action from the user, including instructions to address it in the item error providerMessage field.
CONNECTION_ERRORuser-connection-errorThere was an internal connection error with the provider (ie. Proxy issue).
INVALID_CREDENTIALSanything elseThe user/password credentials were invalid.
PARTIAL_SUCCESS'user-ok-account-error'Error recovering account product.
SUCCESS with warnings'user-ok-account-warning'Warning in account product.
ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS_RESET'user-account-credentials-reset'The user needs to update some of their credentials in the institution
USER_NOT_SUPPORTEDuser-not-supportedThe user is not allowed to perform login in the institution though Pluggy.
SUCCESS with error in move security stepuser-ok-move-security-errorThe user gets and error when try to perform a security portabilty in sandbox
SUCCESS with ACQUIRING BANK datauser-ok-acquiring-bankSuccess, but returns example transactions of acquiring banks (SALE, RECEIVABLE and ANTICIPATION)

Enlarge result data

In cases in which is necessary test large amounts of transactions in the result, you can use the user-ok-perf or user-ok-perf-XXx username to recreate this situation. XX represents the multiplier for the number of transactions to be retrieved. For example, if you choose 1000 as XX, the resulting username would be user-ok-perf-1000x, in order to multiply the result by this number.

The limit of this multiplier is 5000, so if you use a larger number, the multiplier will be just 5000.

Basic Flow | Authorization Pending status (Caixa flow)

This is a special case that emulates Caixa flow. It consists of three possible execution statuses to be returned.

When a user connects for the first time, the expected execution returned will be to confirm the user device shown (i.e. "1234-5678").

So, the first execution (after the user confirms the device on his side) will return USER_AUTHORIZATION_PENDING and a message that informs the time that the user must be awaited until authorization is granted from Caixa.

Once this step is completed, there are two possible scenarios:
1- If the user updates the item within the time to be awaited, the execution result will be USER_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_GRANTED and a message to remind the time to be awaited until the authorization is granted from Caixa (in Sandbox case, the time is 2 minutes).
2- If the user updates the item after the wait is over, the data of the account will be retrieved successfully and the execution report will be SUCCESS.


Please see next table for more details 👇👇👇👇

Execution statusUser nameDescription
USER_AUTHORIZATION_PENDINGuser-ok-auth-pendingThis will report a USER_AUTHORIZATION_PENDING status. And a message to wait for 2 minutes until institution grant authorization. Then, you can update the item to retrieve the data after those 2 minutes or get a not yet granted authorization message (please read nexts rows).
USER_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_GRANTEDre-use credentials (update)If the item is updated before institution grant authorization, the status reported will be USER_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_GRANTED and will be newly asked to wait for the 2 minutes after first execution.
SUCCESSre-use credentials (update)If the item is updated once the institution authorization is completed, then the data should be retrieved and the status report will be SUCCESS.

3- MFA 1-step

ScenarioUser nameMFADescription
Login Okuser-ok123456Successful connection.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MFAuser-ok123456The MFA parameter provided was incorrect.

4- MFA 2-step

ScenarioUser nameMFADescription
Login Okuser-ok123456Successful connection.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MFAuser-ok123456The MFA parameter provided was incorrect.
Login Ok (MFA with QR image)user-ok-img123456Successful connection.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MFA (MFA with QR image)user-ok-img123456The MFA parameter provided was incorrect.
Login Ok (MFA with options to select)user-ok-selectanySuccessful connection.
Login OK (with phone selection before MFA)user-ok-phone123456Successful connection.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MFA (with phone selection before MFA)user-ok-phone123456The MFA parameter provided was incorrect.
Login Ok (with company selection after MFA)user-ok-multi-company123456Successful connection.
INVALID_CREDENTIALS_MFAuser-ok-multi-company123456The MFA parameter provided was incorrect.
UNEXPECTED_ERRORuser-ok-mfa-error123456Connector had a random error.
ACCOUNT_LOCKEDuser-ok-mfa-locked123456User account is locked, needs manual action to be unlocked.
SITE_NOT_AVAILABLEuser-ok-mfa-unavailable123456Provider site was not available.
CONNECTION_ERRORuser-ok-mfa-connection-error123456There was an internal connection error with the provider (ie. Proxy issue).
ALREADY_LOGGED_INuser-ok-mfa-logged123456The user already has an opened login session (needs to manually log out).
ACCOUNT_NEEDS_ACTIONuser-ok-mfa-account-need-actions123456Provider is requesting some manual action from the user (ie. accept new terms of use).

5- Joint Accounts (Bradesco Conta Conjunta flow)

This is a special case that emulates Bradesco Conta Conjunta flow.

Below you will find two examples:

1- Testing in Pluggy Connect widget
2- Testing via Postman

1- Testing in Pluggy Connect widget

When using the widget, the user will be presented to choose first from either a "Single account" or a "Joint account".

  • If the user selects "Single account" it will be asked for bank credentials and MFA in the same step as the credentials.
  • If the user selects "Joint account", it will be asked only for bank credentials. Then, it will be asked which account wants to connect, and after that, the MFA will be required. If the MFA is correct, the account will connect successfully.
408 408 408 408

2-Testing via Postman

  • When testing "single account" the request is the same as sandbox MFA 1-step. The bank credentials and mfa are sent together.
  • When testing "joint account", you have to include an MFA 1-step parameter, with the mock value: '000000'.

Note that this is the same as the Connect widget flow. When the user selects the "joint account" flow, the UI is not asking to complete the MFA parameter.

6- QR Login flow

This is a case that originally simulates a flow similar to Inter QR. No credentials are necessary. Once started, the item will enter a WAITING_USER_ACTION status, and return a QR code for the user to scan.

This flow will simulate a rapidly changing QR code for 10 seconds and then simulate the user reading the QR and advancing the state to a normal login flow.