The account product is the list of bank accounts such as Checking or Savings Account and Credit Card, that were available in the selected connector.

The response will vary depending on the Accounts Type, providing a data object related to its type bankData or creditData.

  "id": "a658c848-e475-457b-8565-d1fffba127c4",
  "type": "BANK",
  "subtype": "CHECKING_ACCOUNT",
  "number": "0001/12345-0",
  "name": "Conta Corrente",
  "marketingName": "GOLD Conta Corrente",
  "balance": 120950,
  "itemId": "a0922d6f-2007-4169-a181-b961500608db",
  "taxNumber": "416.799.495-00",
  "owner": "John Doe",
  "currencyCode": "BRL",
  "bankData": {
    "transferNumber": "123/0001/12345-0",
    "closingBalance": 120950
  "id": "4f61bd6d-e6fc-44b2-9c4b-5609058de7ab",
  "type": "CREDIT",
  "subtype": "CREDIT_CARD",
  "name": "Itau Uniclass 2.0 Mastercard Platinum",
  "marketingName": "Itau Uniclass 2.0 Mastercard Platinum",
  "taxNumber": "***.***.123-22",
  "owner": "FEDERICO MIRAS",
  "number": "1234",
  "balance": 142.41,
  "itemId": "fc214524-4725-4974-9f7a-0f1b50ea39e0",
  "currencyCode": "BRL",
  "creditData": {
    "level": "PLATINUM",
    "brand": "MASTERCARD",
    "balanceCloseDate": "2020-07-08",
    "balanceDueDate": "2020-07-17",
    "availableCreditLimit": 51300,
    "creditLimit": 51800,
    "isLimitFlexible": false,
    "balanceForeignCurrency": 500,
    "minimumPayment": 100,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "holderType": "MAIN"
idUnique identifier of the Account model, used to recover related transactions
typeType of account (BANK / CREDIT).
subtypeThe subtype of account (CHECKING_ACCOUNT / SAVINGS_ACCOUNT / CREDIT_CARD).
numberFor BANK type, this field returns the number of the account. Ie: 12345-6 (or 12345-6/500 in some saving accounts).

For CREDIT type, this field returns the last four digits of the credit card.
Ie: 1234.

For connectors with type PAYMENT_ACCOUNT, number represents the fund destination account number.
balanceFor BANK type, this field returns the current available balance of the account.

For CREDIT type, this field returns the value of the current balance of the open invoice not yet paid.

For connectors with type PAYMENT_ACCOUNT, balance can only be returned in digital accounts, not in external accounts.
More details here
currencyCodeCurrency ISO code of the account, ie USD or EUR
nameName of the account, ie. Saving Account 1234 or Mastercard Gold.
marketingNameThe extra name provided for some accounts that are related to the level of the account. Not always provided.
ownerName of the owner of the account.
taxNumberTax number of the owner of the account.

For connectors with type PAYMENT_ACCOUNT, taxNumber represents the CNPJ of the connected company
bankDataSpecific data for bank account types.
creditDataSpecific data for credit account types.


Bank Accounts (Checking & Savings) balances represent the amount the holder currently holds as available to spend. If this value is negative, it represents a debt the holder has with the financial institution, an example of this would be an overdraft.

Credit Cards balances are the amount due to the institution, this would mean the open balance of the user's current month. If the previous invoice was paid with an exceeded amount, the balance would return a negative value.


Calculating credit card balances

Credit-type account can leverage the availableCreditLimit to consolidate a 360° view of credit cards.

creditLimit = availableCreditLimit (yet to spend) + balance (open balance) + debt from previous balance.

Bank data

transferNumberThis field returns the most important account information:
COMPE / Agency / Account

Ie.: 123 / 1234 / 12345-6
closingBalanceCurrent balance of the account.
automaticallyInvestedBalanceBalance of the account that its automatically invested by the institution.
overdraftContractedLimitAmount of the contracted overdraft limit.
overdraftUsedLimitTotal amount used of the special check limit and the advance to the depositor.
unarrangedOverdraftAmountValue of operation contracted on an emergency basis to cover outstanding balance in demand deposit account and excess over the agreed overdraft limit.

Credit Data

minimumPaymentBalance minimum payment for the current period.
balanceForeignCurrencyBalance in foreign currency for the current period.
availableCreditLimitThe available credit limit for the account yet to spend.
creditLimitThe credit limit for the account.
isLimitFlexibleWhether the credit card is unlimited.
balanceDueDateDue Date for the credit. (yyyy-mm-dd)
balanceCloseDateClose date when the balance was calculated. (yyyy-mm-dd)
levelCard type level (Black, Signature, etc).
brandCard Brand (Mastercard, Visa, Elo, etc).
statusCard status (ACTIVE, BLOCKED, CANCELLED)
holderTypeCard holder type (MAIN or ADDITIONAL)


See Accounts in our API reference for more information.