Before you start working with our API there are some important concepts that you need to know.
A Product represents standardized data from a financial institution with a specific set of attributes for a specific purpose. ie. Accounts, Credit Cards, Investments, Identity, Transactions.
A Connector represents an integration with a financial institution that recovers specific products based on the user's access.
An Item is the representation of a connection through a specific connector of an Institution, and serves as the entry point to access the set of products recovered, after the user gave their consent to collect his data.
To create an Item, the easiest way for an user is interacting with our Pluggy Connect Widget where he can provide his consent, follow through authentication steps, and finally enable access to all their products through our API.
API key
An API key works as an API secret and expires 2 hours after creation. This one will be used to authenticate all requests done to Pluggy's API. Once the token expires, a new one has to be created, by using your corresponding CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET secret credentials.
You can obtain your own Client ID and Client Secret credentials by signing up in our Dashboard.
All API keys can be revoked from our Dashboard in case you need, and get new fresh ones.
Connect Token
The Connect Token is another type of API secret. It expires 30 minutes after creation. It's orientated to be used on the client-side
since its access is restricted to (GET /items/:id
), and reduced access to the data of the recovered Accounts (GET /accounts?itemId
To generate it, (note: this must be done on the server-side
) you should make a call to POST /connect_token using your API key. See more information about Connect Token here.
Updated about 1 year ago