The Loan entity is recovered from institutions that support this product. It represents a loan contracted by the user, including data like contract number, taxes, interest rates, warranties, installments, etc.
"id": "658f07f1-8349-44cc-9590-e10fe9337060",
"itemId": "a9e42ebd-bddc-4d59-8895-140d8a809799",
"contractNumber": "000000721792794",
"ipocCode": "92792126019929279212650822221989319252576",
"productName": "Crédito Pessoal Consignado",
"date": "2023-07-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"contractDate": "2022-08-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"disbursementDates": [
"settlementDate": "2018-01-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"contractAmount": 50000,
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"dueDate": "2028-01-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"instalmentPeriodicity": "MONTHLY",
"instalmentPeriodicityAdditionalInfo": "",
"firstInstalmentDueDate": "2018-02-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"CET": 0.29,
"amortizationScheduled": "SAC",
"amortizationScheduledAdditionalInfo": "",
"cnpjConsignee": "60.500.998/0001-35",
"interestRates": [
"taxType": "EFFECTIVE",
"interestRateType": "SIMPLE",
"taxPeriodicity": "YEARLY",
"calculation": "21/252",
"referentialRateIndexerType": "PRE_FIXADO",
"referentialRateIndexerSubType": "TJLP",
"referentialRateIndexerAdditionalInfo": "",
"preFixedRate": 0.6,
"postFixedRate": 0.55,
"additionalInfo": ""
"contractedFees": [
"name": "Renovação de cadastro",
"code": "CADASTRO",
"chargeType": "UNIQUE",
"charge": "MINIMUM",
"amount": 100000.04,
"rate": 0.062
"contractedFinanceCharges": [
"additionalInfo": "",
"rate": 0.07
"warranties": [
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"amount": 1000.04
"installments": {
"typeNumberOfInstallments": "MONTH",
"totalNumberOfInstallments": 130632,
"typeContractRemaining": "DAY",
"contractRemainingNumber": 14600,
"paidInstallments": 73,
"dueInstallments": 57,
"pastDueInstalments": 73,
"balloonPayments": [
"dueDate": "2021-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"amount": {
"value": 1000.04,
"currencyCode": "BRL"
"payments": {
"contractOutstandingBalance": 1000.04,
"releases": [
"providerId": "XlthLXpBLVowLTldW2EtekEtWjAtOVwtXXswLDk5fSQ",
"isOverParcelPayment": true,
"instalmentId": "WGx0aExYcEJMVm93TFRsZFcyRXRla0V0V2pBdE9Wd3RYWH",
"paidDate": "2021-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"currencyCode": "BRL",
"paidAmount": 1000.04,
"overParcel": {
"fees": [
"name": "Reavaliação periódica do bem",
"code": "aval_bem",
"amount": 100000.04
"charges": [
"additionalInfo": "",
"amount": 1000.04
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
id | string | No | Unique identifier of the Loan model |
itemId | string | No | Id of the item related to this loan |
contractNumber | string | Yes | Contract number given by the contracting institution |
ipocCode | string | Yes | Standard contract number - IPOC (Identificação Padronizada da Operação de Crédito) |
productName | string | No | Denomination/Identification of the name of the credit operation disclosed to the customer |
providerId | string | Yes | Loan identifier under the responsibility of each transmitting Institution |
type | string | Yes | Loan type (More info) |
date | string | No | Date when the loan data was collected |
contractDate | string | Yes | Date when the loan was contracted |
disbursementDates | string[] | Yes | Disbursement date of the contracted amount |
settlementDate | string | Yes | Loan settlement date |
contractAmount | number | Yes | Loan contracted value |
currencyCode | string | No | Currency ISO code of the loan, ie BRL, USD. |
dueDate | string | Yes | Loan due date |
installmentPeriodicity | string | Yes | InstallmentPeriodicityType |
installmentPeriodicityAdditionalInfo | string | Yes | Mandatory field to complement the information regarding the regular payment frequency when installmentPeriodicity has value 'OTHERS' |
firstInstallmentDueDate | string | Yes | First installment due date |
CET | number | Yes | CET - Custo Efetivo Total must be expressed as an annual percentage rate and incorporates all charges and expenses incurred in credit operations (interest rate, but also tariffs, taxes, insurance and other expenses charged) |
amortizationScheduled | string | Yes | LoanAmortizationSystemType |
amortizationScheduledAdditionalInfo | string | Yes | Mandatory field to complement the information regarding the scheduled amortization when it has value 'OTHERS' |
cnpjConsignee | string | Yes | Consignor CNPJ |
interestRates | array | Yes | LoanInterestRateType |
contractedFees | array | Yes | List that brings the information of the tariffs agreed in the contract. LoanContractedFeeType |
contractedFinanceCharges | array | Yes | List that brings the charges agreed in the contract LoanContractedFinanceChargeType |
warranties | array | Yes | LoanWarrantyType |
installments | object | Yes | LoanInstallmentsType |
payments | object | Yes | LoanPaymentsType |
Loan installment periodicity
Installments regular frequency
Loan amortization system
Amortization system (Open Finance definition)
Loan interest rate
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
taxType | string | Yes | LoanTaxType |
interestRateType | string | Yes | LoanInterestRateType |
taxPeriodicity | string | Yes | LoanTaxPeriodicityType |
calculation | string | Yes | Calculation basis |
referentialRateIndexerType | string | Yes | Types of benchmark rates or indexers (More Info) |
referentialRateIndexerSubType | string | Yes | Subtypes of benchmark rates or indexers (More Info) |
referentialRateIndexerAdditionalInfo | string | Yes | Free field to complement the information regarding the Type of reference rate or indexer |
preFixedRate | number | Yes | Pre-fixed rate applied under the credit modality contract. 1 = 100% |
postFixedRate | number | Yes | Post-fixed rate applied under the credit modality contract. 1 = 100% |
additionalInfo | string | Yes | Text with additional information on the composition of agreed interest rates |
Loan tax type
Loan interest rate type
Loan tax periodicity
Loan contracted fee
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
name | string | Yes | Agreed rate denomination |
code | string | Yes | Acronym identifying the agreed rate |
chargeType | string | Yes | ContractedFeeChargeType |
charge | string | Yes | ContractedFeeCharge |
amount | number | Yes | Monetary value of the tariff agreed in the contract |
rate | number | Yes | Rate value in percentage agreed in the contract |
Contracted fee charge type
Charge type for the rate agreed in the contract
Contracted fee charge
Billing method related to the tariff agreed in the contract
Loan contracted finance charge
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
type | string | Yes | Charge type agreed in the contract (More Info) |
additionalInfo | string | Yes | Field for additional information |
rate | number | Yes | Charge value in percentage agreed in the contract |
Loan warranty
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
currencyCode | string | Yes | Code referencing the currency of the warranty |
type | string | Yes | Denomination / Identification of the type of warranty that guarantees the Type of Credit Operation contracted (More Info) |
subtype | string | Yes | Denomination / Identification of the subtype of warranty that guarantees the Type of Credit Operation contracted (More Info) |
amount | number | Yes | Warranty original value |
Loan installments
Set of information regarding the remaining term and the installments of a loan credit operation
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
typeNumberOfInstallments | string | Yes | NumberOfInstallmentsType |
totalNumberOfInstallments | number | Yes | Total term according to the type referring to the type of credit informed |
typeContractRemaining | string | Yes | TypeContractRemaining |
contractRemainingNumber | number | Yes | Remaining term according to the type referring to the credit type informed |
paidInstallments | number | Yes | Number of paid installments |
dueInstallments | number | Yes | Number of due installments |
pastDueInstallments | number | Yes | Number of overdue installments |
balloonPayments | array | Yes | List that brings the due dates and value of the non-regular installments of the contract of the type of credit consulted BalloonPaymentType |
Number of installments
Type of total term of the contract referring to the type of credit informed
Type contract remaining
Type of remaining term of the contract referring to the type of credit informed
Loan balloon payment
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
dueDate | string | Yes | Expiration date of the non-regular installment to expire from the contract of the consulted credit modality |
amount | object | Yes | BalloonPaymentAmountType |
Balloon payment amount
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
value | number | Yes | Monetary value of the non-regular installment due |
currencyCode | string | Yes | Code referencing the currency of the installment |
Loan payments
Loan contract payment data
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
contractOutstandingBalance | number | Yes | Amount required for the customer to settle the debt |
releases | array | Yes | List of payments made in the period LoanPaymentReleaseType |
Loan payment release
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
providerId | string | Yes | Payment identifier under the responsibility of each transmitting Institution |
isOverParcelPayment | boolean | Yes | Identifies whether it is an agreed payment (false) or a one-time payment (true) |
installmentId | string | Yes | Installment identifier, responsibility of each transmitting Institution |
paidDate | string | Yes | Effective date of payment referring to the contract of the credit modality consulted |
currencyCode | string | Yes | Code referencing the currency of the payment |
paidAmount | number | Yes | Payment amount referring to the contract of the credit modality consulted |
overParcel | object | Yes | LoanPaymentOverParcelType |
Loan payment over parcel
Object of fees and charges that were paid outside the installment
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
fees | array | Yes | List of fees that were paid outside the installment, only for single paymentPayment identifier under the responsibility of each transmitting Institution OverParcelFeeType |
charges | array | Yes | List of charges that were paid out of installment OverParcelChargeType |
Over parcel fee
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
name | string | Yes | Denomination of the agreed rate |
code | string | Yes | Acronym identifying the agreed rate |
amount | number | Yes | Monetary value of the tariff agreed in the contract |
Over parcel charge
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
type | string | Yes | Charge type agreed in the contract (Details) |
additionalInfo | string | Yes | Free field to fill in additional information regarding the charge |
amount | number | Yes | Payment amount of the charge paid outside the installment |
Updated over 1 year ago