The Identity entity is recovered from institutions that support this product, accessing details of personal information related to the owner of the connection's account. Recovering this product helps you verify users' identities.


  "id": "42888436-62f5-49d2-8cf9-e312c7939509",
  "fullName": "Francisco Sousa",
  "companyName": "Pluggy Inc.",
  "document": "076.630.975-48",
  "taxNumber": "38.512.121/0001-95",
  "documentType": "CPF",
  "jobTitle": "Comercial",
  "birthDate": "1991-05-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "investorProfile": "Moderate",
  "establishmentCode": "001",
  "establishmentName": "Pluggy Establishment",
  "addresses": [
      "fullAddress": "Av. Lúcio Costa 1234, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil",
      "country": "Brasil",
      "state": "RJ",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "postalCode": "22620-171",
      "primaryAddress": "Av. Lúcio Costa, 1234",
      "type": "Personal"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "Personal",
      "value": "+54 911 12345678"
  "emails": [
      "type": "Personal",
      "value": ""
  "relations": [
      "type": "Father",
      "name": "Juan Gonzalez"
      "type": "Spouse",
      "name": "Laura Garcia"
  "createdAt": "2020-09-30T14:38:12.724Z",
  "updatedAt": "2020-09-30T14:38:12.724Z"
fullNameName of the account’s owner.
companyNameFor business connector, the business’ name.
documentThe primary document that identifies the owner.
documentTypeType of document collected.
taxNumberThe tax ID (CNPJ) associated with the business account.
jobTitleProfession or Job information.
birthDateDate of birth.
addressesList of addresses related to the account.
phoneNumbersList of phone numbers related to the account.
emailsList of email addresses related to the account.
relationsList of names related to the account.
investorProfileIs a rating that indicates the investor's personality and motivation for investing.
Conservative, Moderate, or Aggressive.
establishmentCodeCode of the establishment in the acquirer institution (only for PAYMENT_ACCOUNT connectors)
establishmentNameName of the establishment (only for PAYMENT_ACCOUNT connectors)


Address Schema

The address object contains data related to a specific owner's location.

  "fullAddress": "Av. Lúcio Costa 1234, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil",
  "country": "Brasil",
  "state": "RJ",
  "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
  "postalCode": "22620-171",
  "primaryAddress": "Av. Lúcio Costa, 1234",
  "type": "Personal"
fullAddressFull address using all components available.
countryThe complete country name.
stateThe state or province.
cityThe complete city name.
postalCodeThe Zip code.
primaryAddressPrimary address, street name, and street number.
typeType of address, Personal or Work.


Email Schema

The email object contains emails associated with the account’s owner.

  "type": "Personal",
  "value": ""
typePersonal or Work.
valueThe full email of the person.


Phone Schema

The phone number object contains data related to contact information.

  "type": "Personal",
  "value": "+54 911 12345678"
typePersonal, Work or Residencial.
valueThe complete phone number.


Relation Schema

The relation object contains the name and relation with the account’s owner.

  "type": "Father",
  "name": "Juan Gonzalez"
typeFather, Mother or Spouse.
valueThe full name of the person.


See Identity in our API reference for more information.