Open Finance Connectors

At Pluggy, apart from our usual Connectors, we now also support obtaining data from the Brazilian Open Finance Network with Open Finance Connectors.

Open Finance Connectors follow Pluggy's data model like any other Connector (Items, Accounts, Transactions, etc.), so there is no breaking change when obtaining data from Open Finance. However, they are some differences in the products they retrieve, the institutions they support and the way the user connects their account. In this guide we will discuss those differences so you can choose which connector type is best suited for your use case.


Premium feature

If you are interested in using Open Finance Connectors, please contact our sales team to enable it for your plan

Products supported by Open Finance

Right now, Open Finance supports the following products:


Institutions supported by Open Finance

Here is a comparison of support of brazilian institutions from Open Finance and from normal connectors:

Open Finance ConnectorNormal Connector
ItaúPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
BradescoPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
CaixaPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
SantanderPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
Banco do BrasilPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
NubankPersonal, BusinessPersonal
BTGPactualPersonal, Business, InvestmentsPersonal, Investments
SicrediPersonal, BusinessBusiness
SicoobPersonal, BusinessBusiness
BanrisulPersonal, BusinessNone
Mercado PagoPersonal, BusinessPersonal
Itaú CartõesPersonal, BusinessPersonal
ItiPersonal, BusinessPersonal
Banco OriginalPersonal, BusinessPersonal
Banco BmgPersonal, BusinessNone
UnicredPersonal, BusinessNone
XP InvestimentosPersonal, BusinessPersonal, Business
PicPayPersonal, BusinessNone
Banco PANPersonalNone
Banco DigioPersonalNone
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S.A.Personal, BusinessNone
Uber Conta by DigioPersonalNone
WoopPersonal, BusinessNone
Investimentos BBInvestmentsNone
Ágora InvestimentosInvestments, BusinessInvestments
ÍonInvestments, BusinessNone
InterNonePersonal, Business
AilosNonePersonal, Business
Modal MaisNonePersonal
Ailos CartõesNonePersonal
BTG CorporateBusinessNone
Banco PaulistaPersonal, BusinessNone
SafraPayPersonal, BusinessNone
Safra FinanceiraPersonal, BusinessNone
Banco SofisaPersonal, BusinessNone
Banco BVPersonal, BusinessNone
Rico InvestimentosPersonalInvestments
Clear CorretoraPersonalInvestments
IniciadorPersonal, BusinessNone
InfinitePayPersonal, BusinessNone
Caixa TemPersonalNone

Investment Connectors that were not mentioned here, as well as other types like Digital Economy and Payment Processors are not currently supported by Open Finance, but have Normal Connectors available. Check out the Connectors Coverage docs for all our supported Connectors.

Connecting an Item with Open Finance

When a user connects through Open Finance, the login process is different from a normal connector.

First, the user is prompted for their CPF (for Personal connectors) or CNPJ:

Then, the user is taken to the institution's Open Finance login page (with a pop-up) to complete the login process:

This step depends on the institution: it can prompt the user to scan a QR, or offer a link that opens the institution's app directly, ask for credentials, etc.

After logging in, the user is prompted to select the information they will share:

After the user accepts to sharing that information, the pop-up is closed and they are taken back to the connection screen, while the connector finishes retrieving the data.

This flow is solved out of the box in Pluggy Connect. If you are not using Pluggy Connect, please refer to the guide at the bottom of this page.

Using Open Finance Connectors in my Application

Once you have Open Finance enabled for your plan, to add an Open Finance Connector, follow these steps:

Go to Dashboard -> Customization

Go to Dashboard -> Customization

Find the Open Finance connectors and add them to your Personal, Business or Investment connector list

Find the Open Finance connectors and add them to your Personal, Business or Investment connector list

Open Finance connectors will have an Open Finance tag, and appear as "[OF]" in the selected connectors list.

Now, users will be able to choose those institutions in Pluggy Connect (they look just like any usual connector):

Connecting an Item with Open Finance through API

Use this approach if you do not use Pluggy Connect and you want to connect using Pluggy's API. Once the Open Finance feature is enabled for your plan, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the connector ID for the Open Finance Connector of your choice. In the /connectors endpoint you will see them starting with ID 600 and higher. For example, Itaú's Open Finance Connector has ID 601.
  2. Create an Item for that connector's ID. It will require CPF or CNPJ depending on if it's a Personal or Business connector.
  3. Follow the Pluggy OAuth v2 documentation to complete the login. With this flow, from the created Item you will obtain a url to open for the user, which will transfer them to the institution's login.
  4. Once the user completes the login, they are redirected to a Pluggy OAuth callback endpoint that starts the connection on the Item automatically.
  5. Retrieve the data from the Item.

Open Finance Rate Limits

The Brazilian Open Finance Network imposes rate limits on how many times per month anyone using Open Finance can fetch each product. These limits apply per combination of CPF/CNPJ and institution:

ProductMonthly requests allowedMoments we fetch this product
Account list4Item creation and every 7 days
Account balance420Every update
Credit card list4Item creation and every 7 days
Credit card bills30Every update
Credit card limits240Every update
Recent transactions (1 to 6 days ago)240Every update
Non recent transactions (7 to 365 days ago)4Item creation and every 7 days
Identity4Item creation and every 7 days
Loans4Item creation and every 7 days

Under normal usage of Open Finance Connectors (one CPF and institution on only one item), you usually won't have to worry about Rate Limits, since you would never reach them even if you had automatic updates enabled on all your items.

However, keep in mind that if you connect the same CPF/CNPJ to the same institution by creating multiple items, you can end up triggering a Rate Limit and affected products on those items will no longer update for that month.

When a rate limit is reached, you will see the Item in status PARTIAL_SUCCESS and inside the status detail, a warning about the failing product:

  "id": "44534b0e-717e-497d-890f-08c2faa468c1",
  "status": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
  "statusDetail": {
    "accounts": {
      "warnings": [
          "code": "423",
          "message": "Open Finance monthly rate limit reached on product 'accounts' for this CPF/CNPJ and institution. The product could not be updated."
      "isUpdated": false,
      "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-10-19T19:19:58.188Z"

Credit Cards Future Installments

In open finance, future credit card installments are not returned, except for BTG Pactual (614). In this connector, the future installments are retrieved in the first connection with PENDING status.

Open Finance Test Account

To connect using our sandbox connection, you will be required to send as CPF the value "76109277673" and when accessing the Financial Institution of "Mock Bank" you can use the following parameters:

  user: "[email protected]",
  password: "P@ssword01"

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Upon first connection, do Open Finance connectors return fully withdrawn investments?
    • No, only active investments at the moment of first connection are returned. From that point on, if you fully withdraw one of those investments, it will change status to TOTAL_WITHDRAWAL.
  • Does Itaú PJ OF (618) return consolidated (SISPAG CONSOLIDADO, PIX QRS CONSOLIDADO) transactions, or detailed transactions?
    • It always returns detailed transactions, with the counterpart's CPF / CNPJ inside paymentData.