Opportunity (BETA)

The opportunities are all the offers offered by banks to obtain a credit of different types, these offers can be pre-approved credit cards, personal loans, and business loans among others.

totalLimitnumberYesTotal money to get
usedLimitnumerYesMoney used to date
availableLimitnumberYesMoney available to obtain at present
totalQuotasnumberYesNumber of maximum quotes
YesQuotas type
interestRatenumberYesRate of interest charged by the opportunity
YesRate type
NoType of opportunity
namestringNoCommercial name
descriptionstringYesAdditional description
datedateNoDate of extraction
currencyCodeCurrencyCodeNoCurrency ISO code of the opportunity, ie USD.

Opportunity Date Type

MONTHLYquotas or taxes per month
YEARLYquotas or taxes per year

Opportunities Type

CREDIT_CARDoffer of a new credit card
PERSONAL_LOANoffer of a new personal loan
BUSINESS_LOANoffer of a new business loan
MORTGAGE_LOANoffer of a new mortgage loan
VEHICLE_LOANoffer of a new vehicle loan
OVERDRAFToffer of a new overdraft
OTHER_LOANoffer of another type of loan
OTHERoffer of another type not contemplated
	    "totalLimit": 1000,
	    "usedLimit": 100,
	    "availableLimit": 900,
	    "totalQuotas": 90,
	    "interestRate": 2.7,
	    "quotasType": "MONTHLY",
	    "rateType": "MONTHLY",
	    "type": "PERSONAL_LOAN",
	    "name": "credit opportunity for you",
	    "description": "We have an instant credit pre-approved for you",
	    "date": "22/04/2022",
	    "currencyCode": "USD"
	    "totalLimit": 500,
	    "availableLimit": 500,
	    "type": "CREDIT_CARD",
	    "name": "Itau visa Platium",
	    "date": "22/04/2022",
	    "currencyCode": "USD"
	    "type": "CREDIT_CARD",
	    "name": "Itau visa BLACK",
	    "date": "22/04/2022",
	    "currencyCode": "USD"
	    "totalLimit": 500000.00,
	    "availableLimit": 500000.00,
	    "totalQuotas": 30,
	    "interestRate": 7.05,
	    "rateType": "YEARLY",
	    "quotasType": "YEARLY",
	    "type": "MORTGAGE_LOAN",
	    "date": "22/04/2022",
	    "currencyCode": "USD"