Opportunity (BETA)
The opportunities are all the offers offered by banks to obtain a credit of different types, these offers can be pre-approved credit cards, personal loans, and business loans among others.
Property | Type | Optional | Description |
totalLimit | number | Yes | Total money to get |
usedLimit | numer | Yes | Money used to date |
availableLimit | number | Yes | Money available to obtain at present |
totalQuotas | number | Yes | Number of maximum quotes |
quotasType | [OpportunityDateType] (doc:opportunity#opportunity-date-type) | Yes | Quotas type |
interestRate | number | Yes | Rate of interest charged by the opportunity |
rateType | [OpportunityDateType] (doc:opportunity#opportunity-date-type) | Yes | Rate type |
type | [OpportunityType] (doc:opportunity#opportunities-type) | No | Type of opportunity |
name | string | No | Commercial name |
description | string | Yes | Additional description |
date | date | No | Date of extraction |
currencyCode | CurrencyCode | No | Currency ISO code of the opportunity, ie USD. |
Opportunity Date Type
Type | Description |
MONTHLY | quotas or taxes per month |
YEARLY | quotas or taxes per year |
Opportunities Type
Type | Description |
CREDIT_CARD | offer of a new credit card |
PERSONAL_LOAN | offer of a new personal loan |
BUSINESS_LOAN | offer of a new business loan |
MORTGAGE_LOAN | offer of a new mortgage loan |
VEHICLE_LOAN | offer of a new vehicle loan |
OVERDRAFT | offer of a new overdraft |
OTHER_LOAN | offer of another type of loan |
OTHER | offer of another type not contemplated |
"totalLimit": 1000,
"usedLimit": 100,
"availableLimit": 900,
"totalQuotas": 90,
"interestRate": 2.7,
"quotasType": "MONTHLY",
"rateType": "MONTHLY",
"type": "PERSONAL_LOAN",
"name": "credit opportunity for you",
"description": "We have an instant credit pre-approved for you",
"date": "22/04/2022",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"totalLimit": 500,
"availableLimit": 500,
"type": "CREDIT_CARD",
"name": "Itau visa Platium",
"date": "22/04/2022",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"type": "CREDIT_CARD",
"name": "Itau visa BLACK",
"date": "22/04/2022",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"totalLimit": 500000.00,
"availableLimit": 500000.00,
"totalQuotas": 30,
"interestRate": 7.05,
"rateType": "YEARLY",
"quotasType": "YEARLY",
"type": "MORTGAGE_LOAN",
"date": "22/04/2022",
"currencyCode": "USD"
Updated 6 months ago