Life cycle and Errors

Bulk payments will move through states from the top up payment its done, until the last payment requests its completed.

Status life cycle

To understand the current status of a bulk payment, you must review the status field from the bulk.

It can be one of the following ones:

CREATEDInitial Bulk status
TOP_UP_STARTEDA payment intent was created to top up the smart account
WAITING_PAYER_AUTHORIZATION(this is just for Payment Initiation) when the payer needs to authorize the payment
TOP_UP_IN_PROGRESSThe payment intent was confirmed and the top up is in progress (waiting for the funds to be available)
PAYMENT_IN_PROGRESSMoney is inside the smart account and the payment requests are being processed
ERROROr all payments failed or the top up failed
PARTIALLY_COMPLETEDSome payments were successful and some failed
COMPLETEDAll payments were successful

Here is an representation of how the status are related between:

Possible PIX Rejected Reasons

A summary of error codes and their descriptions that may occur when attempting pay with PIX in a Bulk Payment

AB03Payment expired due to timeout.
AB09Transação interrompida devido a erro no participante do usuário recebedor.
AB11Processing time at the paying participant longer than the 34-second timeout.
AC03Número da agência e/ou conta transacional do usuário recebedor inexistente ou inválido.
AC06A conta transacional especificada encontra-se bloqueada.
AC07Número da conta transacional encerrada no PSP do Recebedor.
AC14Incorrect type for the specified transactional account. Example: transfer to salary account.
AG03The transaction type is not supported/authorized on the specified transaction account. E.g. transfer to salary account.
AM02Ordem de pagamento/devolução em valor superou o limite permitido para o tipo de conta transacional creditada.
AM09Devolução de pagamento em valor superou o valor da ordem de pagamento instantâneo correspondente.
BE01CPF/CNPJ do usuário recebedor não é consistente com o titular da conta transacional especificada.
BE17QR Code rejected by the receiving user's participant.
CH11CPF/CNPJ do usuário recebedor incorreto.
CH16It is not possible to send Pix to a salary account.
DS04Ordem rejeitada pelo PSP do Recebedor.
DS24Ordem rejeitada por extrapolação do tempo decorrido entre o envio da pain.013 e o recebimento da pacs.008 correspondente pelo participante do usuário recebedor.
DS27ISPB of the receiving participant does not exist.
DT02Date/time of receipt by participant greater than date/time of sending by participant.
DT05A transação extrapolou o prazo máximo para devolução de pagamento instantâneo regulamentado pelo arranjo Pix.
ED05Erro no processamento do pagamento.
RR04Ordem de pagamento em que o usuário pagador é sancionado por resolução do Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas (CSNU). Nos casos em que o usuário recebedor for o sancionado, a ordem de pagamento não deve ser rejeitada.
SL02A transação original não está relacionada ao serviço de Saque Pix ou Pix Troco.


When one of the Payment Request encounters a definitive error, that can't be retried, we prepare this payment to be refunded. The refund process is done automatically on error, so the user always holds his available balance.

When the payment fails it changes to, it will be refunded to the debtor's account. For example, if you have a bulk payment with 2 payment requests and one fails, this will be the scenario:

    "id": "e6b6974b-e790-4dae-9826-c26e30e2cb5e",
    "status": "PARTIALLY_COMPLETED",
    "totalAmount": 302,
    "feesAmount": 2,
    "grossAmount": 200,
    "paymentRequests": [
            "id": "6ab34b81-625a-43ae-a1c6-aafa790aecb5",
            "amount": 200,
            "description": "Payment with error",
            "status": "REFUNDED",
            "createdAt": "2024-06-14T14:44:07.059Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-06-14T14:45:53.096Z",
            "callbackUrls": null,
            "bulkPaymentId": null,
            "recipient": null,
            "clientPaymentId": null,
            "customer": null,
            "fees": 1,
            "pixQrCode": null,
            "boleto": null,
            "smartAccount": null,
            "schedule": null
            "id": "1709feb4-3658-4685-97b3-cb3b87343ef8",
            "amount": 100,
            "description": "Payment success",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "createdAt": "2024-06-14T14:44:47.294Z",
            "updatedAt": "2024-06-14T14:45:46.932Z",
            "callbackUrls": null,
            "bulkPaymentId": null,
            "recipient": null,
            "clientPaymentId": null,
            "customer": null,
            "fees": 1,
            "pixQrCode": null,
            "boleto": null,
            "smartAccount": null,
            "schedule": null

In this case, the first Payment Request will be refunded (amount + fees), in this case by R$ 201.00.