
Creating & Updating Item errors

ErrorMessageAction Item
PARAMETERS_NOT_PROVIDEDParameters were not providedSend the connection's credentials to sync the item.
ITEM_ALREADY_UPDATINGAn update is already in progress, wait until the last execution endsThe item is syncing and can't be retriggered the execution until it finishes. Wait until success/error.
Client updates on this item are allowed at most every {frequency} hours. The last update was at {time}.Client can't trigger updates with a frequency lower that contracted. Must wait until {frequency} hours pass from the last update {time}
CREATE_ITEMS_API_FREE_DISABLEDFree subscription can only create items through our Connect WidgetThe client can't connect new items without using Pluggy Connect Widget.
Current client subscription level can only update Sandbox (Pluggy Bank) itemsClient can only update Sandbox connections.
TOO_MANY_CONSECUTIVE_ERRORSThere have been more than 5 failing synchronization, please contact supportConnection faced too many consecutive errors, report it to Pluggy if it's needed.
ITEM_CREATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDClient exceeded item creation limit {limit} for the current subscription level.Client can't create more items due to their contracted limit amount.
Client has item updates disabledUpdates were disabled for the customer due to abusive use of the API or not contracted feature. Contact support if it happens.
Item was originally connected with a different account, please use the original accountConnection its being updated to access another account, not the original and would generate mixed data.
ITEM_IS_ALREADY_UPDATINGThere is an active item for the set of credentials that hasn't finished executingThe same set of credentials is being synced at the moment, it can't be done right now to avoid multiple sessions with the FI.
The parameter {parameter} is required to be renewed for item update.A new parameter is requested to make an update of the connection until the provided connection can't be updated.
LAST_EXECUTION_HAD_LOGIN_ERRORThe last execution had a login error, you must update the parametersSince the last sync had invalid credentials, the connection can't be updated until new credentials are submitted.
Must wait at least {time} after {attempts} consecutive login errors.There were {attempts} login errors on the connection. A cooloff is returned to avoid blocking the account. After the time has passed, the user can retry.
CONNECTOR_OFFLINEThis connector is offline in this momentThe connector its not available to receive new executions. Try again later.

MFA Errors

ErrorMessageAction Item
ITEM_MFA_ALREADY_PROVIDEDItem has no MFA input request, it was already providedNothing. MFA was already provided.
ITEM_MFA_NOT_FOUNDitem has no mfa input requestMFA can't be submitted since its not waiting for an MFA input.
ITEM_MFA_EXPIREDItem's MFA parameter expired, please start a new updateMFA has already expired, a new update must be done to sync the connection.
Item is expecting {paramName} MFA param nameThe connections its waiting for another parameter, that its name is paramName. Update the payload to submit correctly the MFA.
MFA parameter has to be updated from last executionThe parameter sent its the same as the last execution, must send a new value.